Sri Lankan Mathematics Olympiad


Sri Lanka Olympiad Mathematics Foundation(SLOMF) was founded by a few academics in the University of Colombo and University of Kelaniya in 2004 as a nonprofit organization to make Sri Lanka a mathematically strong country and apply mathematics for her economic and intellectual development. With this vision, SLOMF started the Sri Lankan Mathematical Olympiad (SLMO) in 2004. SLMO consists of two competitions: the Sri Lankan Mathematics Competition (SLMC) and the Sri Lankan Mathematics Challenge Competition (SLMCC). SLOMF has conducted this competition in Sinhala, Tamil, and English island-wide annually.

Those who score well in SLMO get the opportunity to participate at the International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO), the biggest and the most prestigious of all Olympiads. Since the launch of SLMO, Sri Lanka has won 17 bronze medals at the IMO.

SLMC has three age categories as of 2019:

SLMC paper is a multiple-choice question that consists of 30 questions. Each question has five choices, of which only one is correct. For not answering, you get marks, although you would get more marks if you answered correctly. However, you will get no marks for an incorrect answer. The questions generally get more difficult throughout the paper. The front page of the paper mentions the marks awarded for each set of questions.

Participating in such competitions help to develop problem-solving skills such as pattern recognition, critical thinking and creativity. Furthermore, at the mathematics club, we engage in activities that develop such skills. These skills will benefit us in our academic careers as well as in other aspects of our life.

In 2019, our school was able to secure prizes at the SLMC with the assistance of the mathematics club and teachers, and the hard work of students. 22 students of Royal Institute competed and earned the following awards:

2019 Student Achievements


Bronze medal


Main award high distinction certificates


Main award distinction certificates


Main award honourable mention certificate


Younger contestant silver award certificate

Even with the hardships caused by covid-19, the mathematics club and teachers held SLMC workshops for this year’s competition. We will publish this year’s achievements soon!

For more information on the Sri Lanka Mathematics Olympiad

For mathematics Olympiad past papers, practice papers and more resources