- Horror
Imara Idrees
- January 20, 2023
- 174
- 4 minutes read

NO! My shrill scream rang out in the dead of night, breaking through the silence. Its long icy cold fingers enclosed around my neck. It was pitch black, yet I could make out its snarling grin. I couldn’t let it win; I couldn’t give up. Its pointy nails began protruding through my skin, giving way to drops of blood. As the blood trickled down my throat, and along its fingers, I could see its devilish grin widening. The walls were closing in. It was getting difficult to breathe. I c-an-t gi-
I jerked up, panting heavily. “What did you see?” asked a voice from the corner. “It’s getting stronger; it’s becoming more realistic,” I replied, still gasping for air, “It suffocated me this time.” “Anything similar to before?” I nodded, gulping down some water. “The blood.”
The first nightmare came not so long ago. It was about a woman; a dead woman, who was after me. I kept seeing her in my dreams; her rasping voice calling out “I’m coming,” in the most diabolical way one could imagine. There was something uncanny about the way she walked; One leg over the other; and the way her fingers would curl around, desperately trying to grasp me. You could see her eyes were completely devoid of life; they were hollow, opening up to a place where a soul should have been.
Thinking about it made me shudder. “So, we still don’t know what’s causing these nightmares?” “No,” said the other, looking at me for the first time. “Look in the mirror.” A chill went down my spine, as I stood in front of the mirror. My expression went from confusion to complete horror. There were marks around my neck; strangulation marks. I winced as the tips of my fingers met the bruises.
It was then I realized that this demonic creature was becoming more stronger in my own subconscious, and there was nothing I could do about it. It was feeding off my life, but mostly, off my fear.
“Tell me about the second dream you had.” It striked me odd she should use the word dream repeatedly, yet I closed my eyes and recalled it, “I was running. I wasn’t sure what I was running from, but I knew I had to run. I saw Ashley fall behind, but I didn’t have a choice except to keep running. When I turned to look ahead, there was a blinding light, which made me instinctively shade my eyes with my elbow. I squinted into the light, trying to make out a blurred figure that was forming in front of me and edging closer and closer. At first, my mind was swarming with questions, but as she came closer, I realized who it was. I tried to run the other way but it was too late. She dashed forward toward me and her shrill scream ran in my ears.” “You recognized the woman here?” “No.”
I looked around me. It was dark. I was in my childhood home. She stood in front of me. We were talking, but sub consciously I knew something wasn’t right. Suddenly, the light began flickering. But where was the light? She told me to hide, yet I couldn’t.
Then almost too instantly, a ghastly figure dashed out of the corner of my eye and hovered in front of me. I recognized the dead look she had in her eyes; her horrifying teeth; curved in a menacing grin. I gasped.
As I glanced down, I saw I was bleeding. Her claws sunk into me, making it unable for me to move. The pain in my stomach was becoming unbearable as the blood left my body, and life left my soul.
I looked around, trying to cry for help, but I realized there wouldn’t be anyone; It was, after all, a nightmare. I silently prayed that I would wake up sooner or later; hopefully sooner, but her voice rasped, “This…is…the…end!” Everything began going black… My eyes to never open again…