Hallows Eve

A chopper skimmed over the deep Indigo water outside the reef and across the pale turquoise lagoon to where the sandy beach met the broad expanse of coral that formed the island. A wooden pathway led from the beach into small villages.
Maria pulled out the champagne and glasses from a hamper and stretched out in the sun. She closed her eyes.
She’d lost track of time and felt as though she was in a different time zone. Through her dark glasses the sun blinded her, flaring into her eyes directly above her as she lay there. She rolled over and looked towards the sea. In the bright light of sea, sky and sand, her polaroid sunglasses gave everything a strange pink glow. A dark figure loomed over her, blocking her vision.
She rolled sideways with a scream. “What the hell?”
She ripped off her glasses to see Morgan Le Fay look at her in confusion.
“What’s up with you?”
“I guess I fell asleep. You startled me.”
“What’s got into you? You’re very nervy these days.” He sat down beside her.
“So, it’s nearing close isn’t it?”
Sighing in annoyance she glared at him, “Are you talking about Initiation Day? It’s fine Morgan. Stop tiptoeing around the topic. I’m not worried anymore”.
He inched closer. “I just don’t want to see you get hurt again.”
The close distance allowed her to study him closely. She had once thought him colorless, like all the other featureless men she was surrounded with on the Island, outlines stretched on a flat canvas. But he was different. He always knew how to say the right things to make her feel better. His cool blue gray eyes reminded her of her mother’s. He was the closest thing to a friend she had. Morgan had been assigned as her mentor to help initiate her into the society. She confided in him.
He had his shirt sleeves rolled up, revealing the tattoo he had on his wrist. מְכַשֵׁפָה’’. Mekhashepha. A witch. He had survived the ritual and was a chosen one. Initiation Day was the make it or break it day. A realm known as the Astral plane had to be crossed by the soul to return with magical powers or to never return at all. The last time she had attempted to, things had gone horribly wrong. She had been stuck in the realm with no way of resurfacing until Morgan had entered the realm to bring her back, almost killing the both of them in the process.
“You know you don’t always have to go through with it. Maybe we could try the next season.”
“No. It has to be done this time. This time I’m ready.”
The following morning, she woke up to sunlight beaming through her blinds. She felt insanely calm. Ready. Standing under the shower, she prayed silently to Heka. She emerged from the bedroom dressed in a simple beige leather shift. A pair of combat boots covered her feet. Her damp hair was brushed smooth falling to her shoulders and caught to one side. It was time. The arena was surrounded with pine trees, tribe leaders scattered around the pentacle. Waiting. They began chanting the minute she stepped into the circle. She searched for a pair of eyes to help make her feel at ease and sighed in relief when Morgan approached her, his hands stretched out for hers.
“Remember what we learnt together. It’ll be over before you even know it alright? You got this Em. I’ll see you on the other side.” He steps back after placing a gentle kiss on her forehead.
In a swift second, Maria felt the ground dissolve into nothing. Her vision blurred. She could hear the voices of her ancestors in a distance. Walking into a mirage of the lake house, she quickened her pace. A figure approached her at a distance. It was the silhouette of a woman named Amora that Morgan had warned her about.
With the blink of an eye, she appeared right in front of her, blowing black dust into her face. Staggering forward unable to breath, Maria gave into a premonition of her community. Everybody was in pain beyond measure. A dark cloud covered the sky. The city was on fire. What she saw made her lose hope in everything. She screamed clutching her chest, the pain unbearable.
Maria struggled to focus. To remember her purpose. She forced herself to remember Morgan’s voice. She had to return home. “This is just a test”, she reminded herself. She reminded herself of all the good things back home. The life yet unlived.
I am not so easily conquered. You will not win. You will not see me die undefeated.
Maria gathered the strength to chant the words and screamed into damnation.
שחרר אותי בכוח
.Set me free in power
With a sharp inhale, she was on her knees back in the arena. Looking down on her wrist, the tattoo stilled into existence. Victory. She felt Morgan’s arms wrap around her waist in a hug.
“You did it! You’re one of us now.”
She embraces him, the irises of their eyes shifting to gold.
Shenali Nathania Benjamin